Thursday, September 24, 2009

WhAt ArE We???

we've been very good friends.....

we've known each other for a very long time....

we've known each other since like standard 5 or smth....
when we talked 2 each other for the first time....
we found out that we actually meet before....

it was fun....
back in standard 5 .....
we were like so good friends....
we laughed at each other's jokes....
when either of us felt like the world came crashing in...
one of us would tease another....
we would do anything ....
just see one of us smile......

Then Fate decided 2 seperate us....
but that didnt stop us......
we still kept in touch................
though we were far away.........

so are we just friends????
Or are we meant for something more???

Monday, September 21, 2009

I miss U ...haha....

Its been 100 DayS Edi.....

SinCe I' vE LosT U .....
U may not know this...
BuT Do U KnoW HoW MuCh I MiSS u ....

We Spent So MUcH TImE 2gether.....
All My sweetest Memories R With U....
Y didn't i notice tat b4????
It was only when u left me....
that i learnt 2 cerish u ,.....

I regreted neglecting u .....
putting u in 1 side of the corner....
although i treated u like shite.....
U still stood by with me....
ThICk or thin....

I really miss u ....
but i cant wait for u anymore...
i'm gonna replace u soon....
but i'll never forget the sweetest memories we had.....
My DeAR............

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Im Being ToLD TImE HeaLS EveryThiNG....
Im being told that dun fear.....
iF u HaVe A WOund....
It will HeAL....
Its JUSt A matter OF TimE....
BEfoRE ThE WouNd HEals......

AnD I BELIeVE MosT Of It....
I haD A WoUnD On My SkuLL....
It HAppenED LOng TimE Ago....
Now all 's TAt LEft is a ScaR......

So Time CAn HeaL a BRoKeN SkuLL.....
But Can iT HeAL A BrOKeN HEarT........

EvERy1 Says YeS.....
It Will HeaL....
But When???

Friday, September 11, 2009

<<<<::::The ICe CrEaM:::::>>>>>

It was a hot day....
a very hot day.......
I was outside..........

COz i haD some spare MonEy.....
i bought a ice cream.....
a normal 1 .....
The KinD from a ice cream vendor....

The ICe CreaM was not that special either....
JuSt a NorMaL OnE...
Vanilla FlavOuReD......
Single ConE....

Normally i would buy a ice Cream lIke ThiS everydAy...
I CoulD ReMeMbeR ThE TasTe....
BuT Strangely.....
It Tasted Different...
it was like the most sweetest thing i've ever tasted.....

Couldnt Be The vendor....
coz it was the same guy....
could'nt be the ice cream....
coz it was the same brand.....

PeRhaps it WaS BeCoZ i ate it with SomE1 special.....
Some1 sweet....